Week #1 Spring Session 2020
To have the most immersive experience, grab these things before starting the video!
- A Drum (or anything hollow to bang on, like an oatmeal container, or a large tupperware!)
- Egg Shakers (Don't have egg shakers? Put dried beans or rice in a container and shake away!)
- A few instruments (Mainly percussion) to play along with our jam song
- A lovey or blanket (or human!) to snuggle with for our lullaby
Spring Session Week #1 Tuesday Miss Cathy
Spring Session Week #1 Friday Miss Cathy
Week #2 Spring Session 2020
To have the most immersive experience, grab these things before starting the video!
- A Guiro (or anything that has ridges; like a water bottle or canned food, and something to rub or strike it with, like a spoon)
- Resonator Bells in A and D OK, we don't expect you to have these! But, you could tape off the other notes on a glockenspiel or xylophone or just enjoy listening! We are mainly using these for a song about a telephone, so your hand works as a pretend phone, or feel free to use Mommy's or Daddy's phone. They won't mind.
- A few instruments (Mainly percussion) to play along with our jam song
- A lovey or blanket (or human!) to snuggle with for our lullaby